- Knock on wood!
- Тьфу, тьфу, чтобы не сглазить!
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
knock on wood — see ↑touch wood under ↑touch • • • Main Entry: ↑knock * * * I see wood II said in order to prevent a confident statement from bringing bad luck I haven t been banned yet, knock on wood Origin … Useful english dictionary
knock on wood — {v. phr.} To knock on something made of wood to keep from having bad luck. Many people believe that you will have bad luck if you talk about good luck or brag about something, unless you knock on wood; often used in a joking way. * /Charles said … Dictionary of American idioms
knock on wood — {v. phr.} To knock on something made of wood to keep from having bad luck. Many people believe that you will have bad luck if you talk about good luck or brag about something, unless you knock on wood; often used in a joking way. * /Charles said … Dictionary of American idioms
knock on wood — knock (on) wood I hope my good luck will continue. We haven t had any problems with the car so far, knock on wood. I m expecting, knock wood, to be offered the job next week. Usage notes: used when you think difficulties are likely Etymology:… … New idioms dictionary
knock on wood — knock on something made of wood to keep from having bad luck I don t think that I will lose my job knock on wood … Idioms and examples
knock on wood — This idiom is used to wish for good luck. ( Touch wood is also used.) … The small dictionary of idiomes
Knock on Wood — The term Knock on Wood refers to knocking on wood, an act of superstition, but may also refer to:*Knock on Wood (1954 film), a film starring Danny Kaye *Knock on Wood, the title song to the 1954 film by Sylvia Fine *Knock on Wood (song) , a song… … Wikipedia
knock\ on\ wood — v. phr. To knock on something made of wood to keep from having bad luck. Many people believe that you will have bad luck if you talk about good luck or brag about something, unless you knock on wood; often used in a joking way. Charles said, I… … Словарь американских идиом
knock on wood — This idiom is used to wish for good luck. ( Touch wood is also used.) (Dorking School Dictionary) *** touch wood/ knock on wood This humorous expression, based on superstition, is used to avoid bad luck, often while touching… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
knock on wood — ► touch (or chiefly N. Amer. knock on) wood touch something wooden to ward off bad luck. Main Entry: ↑wood … English terms dictionary
knock on wood — verb /ˈnɒk ɒn ˈwʊd,ˈnɑk ɑn ˈwʊd,ˈnɔk ɔn ˈwʊd,ˈnak ɑn ˈwʊd/ To take a customary action to ward off some misfortune that is believed to be attracted by a presumptuous statement. I do a lot of walking, and I have never had any knee problems yet,… … Wiktionary